documentary / 2010 | 90 min

IP Production

Cameraman / Editor

The increase of arms trafficking, the profit from drug dealing, the corruption, the police violence, and the State indifference in the favelas and the suburbs of large Brazilian cities, explain why the youth who live there is at greater risk of being killed by police's guns.
In Rio de Janeiro, more than half of the population approves armed police interventions to fight drug trafficking, thinks that the "bandits should die" and ignores the average fifteen gunshot deaths a day in Rio. The film Estrada gives a name and a story to these anonymous deaths and pays them homage and respect. The victims, "fallen heroes" or "martyrs" from the same city, are the children, the brothers, the husbands or wives so terribly and unfairly absent.
With this tragic reality how can we deny that the pain is not also our own?

Aude Chevalier-Beaumel

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Full Film | Portuguese with English Subtitles